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Just another BOO {Project Life Boards}

Just another BOO {Project Life Boards}
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Collection overview:


"Just another BOO" wants to play down the drammaticity of the times we're living because of the COVID-19 and lead to the normality by talking of common and usual things, like the Halloween nights and parties we're used to do till last year. I was thinking that probably this year, because of COVID new rules and laws, we won't see any kid around joking with other mates by "Trick or Treat" and we won't join any halloween Party. This is absolutely sad somehow, even for those who never celebrated Halloween, just because it means we no longer have the same freedom. But at the same time we cannot stop living. We have to be patient, we have to pay attention and trying to do our best to overcome this difficult time. "Just another BOO" jokes and plays down the hard times by invinting all of us to see things in the most constructive way, because even if we can't go out and celbrate with friends, Halloween will come anyway and it's up to us deciding how to make "just another BOO". I think that I won't despair: I will buy pizza and watch an HORROR movie with hubby. Enjoy your night: enjoy your life.

Just another BOO {Project Life Boards}

This package includes a set of 4 project life boards saved as layered PSD file.


the layouts are created by using the whole components of the collection.

Files Types:

  • Layered PSD

Software Compatibility:

Adobe photoshop any graphic software able to read PSD files.


  • Personal Use
  • PU/S4H/S4O

Select the proper license from the drop down menu.


  • resell the files as they are.

See the pictures as reference.

Copyright © 2008-2020 Valentina's Creations - © 2017-2020 Juna Photography