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Basic Portrait Retouching

Basic Portrait Retouching
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Basic Portrait Retouching Services

Professional Photo Retouching Service for Photographers who need outsource their editing process;
The retouching will include professional workflow by Photoshop, trough cloning, healing and color grading.

  1. Analysis of the image up to 2 people
  2. Basic Adjustments: Exposure & White Balance
  3. Skin Clean Up
  4. Contouring
  5. Color Grading
  6. Sharpening
  7. Exporting for Print
  8. Exporting for Web

You need to provide:


Transfer image by following methods:

  • FTP
  • Online servers like Google Drive, Box, DropBox, OneDrive and so on.

How does it work

  • After purchase you'll be contacted within 48 hours and you'll be assigned to an FTP account to upload your RAW files. If you prefer, we can transfer in a different way. 
  • You'll be asked to complete a short technical questionnaire about your preferences and needs on the retouching.
  • The retouched photos will be provided as flattened JPG and TIFF, full resolution and web sizes as well. 
  • Estimated production: 7 working days after the transfer of the images.

For any question or CUSTOM QUOTE for big packages please contact me at valentina.pellitteri@gmail.com or info@juna-ph.com


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